
  • 428 Texas Avenue, Texas City, TX 77590
Green Cleaning
Green Cleaning

In the facility services industry, it is impossible to ignore the importance and necessity environmentally friendly cleaning. With challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become even more significant the importance of not just environmentally friendly products but also products approved by the CDC. We utilize non-toxic cleaning products as a first step in achieving an environmentally friendly presence.

At Robco Facility Services, we stay current on the most state-of-the-art, cost effective, energy efficient and environmentally friendly cleaning and construction materials, products and methods to meet our client’s needs and desires. In our own effort to reduce our impact on the environment, Robco strives to reduce the amount of waste as we clean and maintain our client’s facilities, making sure cleaning products are not wasted. We make an effort to recycle as much as possible.